Hunter Moreau — Be Alright

Emerging pop songstress Hunter Moreau shares new single “Be Alright”

There’s a reason why rising pop songstress Hunter Moreau features on our Emerging List [Ones to Watch in 2022] list, she exudes confidence as an artist and, she creates some of the best vulnerable pop music out there today.

Today, she returns with her stunning new single “Be Alright”— a song which was written as a reminder that no matter how overwhelming and exhausting the whirlpool of life may seem, it’s going to be alright. Laced with gorgeous melodies and built over a captivating production by PARKWILD, “Be Alright” is a positive and upbeat song that most listeners will be able to resonate with.

“The day I wrote ‘Be Alright’ with Parkwild and King Mala, we were doing the casual first conversation thing and they asked me how I was doing. I responded along the lines of, ‘Honestly, like really good.’ I felt at that moment in time that I was at peace. That even if I didn’t have all the answers to everything, even if I was making 100 mistakes, that it was all going to work out. I remember taking the Uber ride to the studio that day and staring out the window at the hilly landscape of Los Angeles, which felt so mesmerizing to me. I thought to myself that I truly felt totally and completely okay, and that whenever I didn’t feel like that, I should remind myself of the feeling I had at that moment. Like that reminder that pops up on your phone.”Hunter Moreau.

Stream “Be Alright” below:

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