Top 100 Songs of 2020: 2

These are our favourite songs of 2020 — at number 2 is “Don’t Call Me Up” by Cinzia & The Eclipse.

Thanks to the guys over at Auteur Research, Cinzia & The Eclipse has been one of our favourite discoveries this year. The Montréal singer-songwriter who draws inspiration from the likes of Julia Michaels, Florence and The Machine, Janis Joplin and her hometown, has been active since 2018. She added “The Eclipse” to her artist name to represent the band and producers who help create her sound. On 22nd May 2020 and right in the middle of lockdown here in the UK and around most parts of the world, Cinzia & The Eclipse released the outstanding and emotionally-driven “Don’t Call Me Up”— a vulnerable pop track about moving on from a manipulative past. Cinzia draws you in with her breathtaking vocal performance and honest lyrics. She created a piece of music so powerful and so relatable, built over a compelling production by Lucas Liberatore. Arguably the most underrated song of the year, if an artist as big as Kelly Clarkson or even Sia sung this, then it would’ve been a global hit. Press play and ignore your ex’s text!

“‘Don’t Call Me Up’ came to be after an ex messaged me with an old memory of us. We both knew whatever we had was done. He moved on, but I’d be lying if I said I had at the time. In my annoyance over the lack of control I had over the situation, I wrote the song’s first line: Don’t call me up if you’re not in love with me anymore. This song was ignited by anger and sadness, but it captures a little bit of a boss moment through the strength at its core. ‘Don’t Call Me Up’ is telling yourself that you’re going to be stronger than your sadness and be able to overcome it”Cinzia & The Eclipse.

Connect with Cinzia & The Eclipse




Photo Credit: Courtesy of PR

Lei Hope — Cranium